How do I temporarily close my account? Follow
If you need to put your account on hold, CloudPunch makes it easy for you to temporarily close your account. As an account administrator, you can access this option at any time.
While your account is temporarily closed, you will not have access to any of the features or data associated with your account. Once you reactivate your account, you will be able to access your data and features as before.
Temporarily cancel your account:
- Export any reports or data you need access to.
- Log into your CloudPunch cloud portal with an administrator profile.
- Click your profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, then click Settings.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Cancel Account.
- Select the option I am closing the account temporarily as I have a seasonal business.
- Click the Send button.
- A member of our support team will process your request and provide a confirmation email once the request has been completed.
When you are ready to reactivate your account, have an account administrator send an email to us at with your Company Name and Company ID along with your request to reactivate the account.
All biometric data for any employees on the account is purged from the system when you close your account. This means that you will need to recreate and re-register any fingerprint templates after reopening the account.
Note that all account data is permanently purged for accounts that are inactive for longer than 12 months. Refunds are not granted for "unused" features, devices, users, or services, and time clocks and accessories purchased are not returnable after 30 days. There is no option to return the devices to Workwell. Contact a local electronics recycler to research options (not at the expense of Workwell) for the responsible disposal of such equipment that you no longer have a need for. If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to the End User License Agreement or contact our support team.