What if our time off doesn’t accrue? Follow
To complete the steps in this article, you must be an administrator or have the necessary view and/or edit permissions enabled. If you believe you should be able to complete the steps and are not able to, reach out to your account administrator to discuss updating the settings for your Role.
All changes made to a policy will apply to all users assigned to that policy.
If your company offers PTO, Vacation, Sick Pay, or other time off benefits that have a pre-set amount or do not accrue, that’s not a problem! Simply set the Accrual Rate in the policy to 0 and adjust the user’s Accrual Balance from their profile. After successfully adding the Accrual Policy and adding the hours to the profile, you will be able to add the benefit(s) to the time card.
Set a policy that does not accrue:
- Log into the CloudPunch web portal.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Go to the Accruals section.
- Click on the accrual policy assigned to the user or create a new policy.
- Set the Accrual Rate to 0 and click Save.
- If the policy is not assigned to the user, assign the policy.
Assign the policy to a user:
- Log into the CloudPunch web portal.
- Click on People in the side menu.
- Select the name of the user.
- Click on Policies under the user's name.
- Select + Assign or Replace Policy.
- Select Accrual and click the policy you just added/edited.
- If there was no previous policy of that type, the new policy is automatically added.
- If there was a previous policy of that type, click Confirm and Assign to apply the policy.
- Click Save to update your changes. If you don't click Save, the policies will not be updated.
Adjust a user's accrual balance:
- Log into the CloudPunch web portal.
- Click on People in the side menu.
- Select the name of the user.
- Click on Job under the user's name.
- In the Accruals section, click on the intended Pay Code.
- Select Add or Subtract from the Adjustment Type dropdown.
- Set the number of Hours to adjust by.
- The available hours will be displayed. Verify the information is correct and click Adjust.
- Click Save to update your changes. If you don't click Save, the policies will not be updated.