Who’s In Widget Follow
The Who’s In widget on your CloudPunch Dashboard allows you to view the status of your entire workforce. Easily see who’s in, who’s out, and who’s on break.
The widget features four circle graphs, each displaying a different status: In, Out, On Rest, and At Meal. Click on any of these graphs to view the profile icons, first and last names, and the latest punch information for each user with that status. Hover over a profile icon to display additional information such as the current department of the employee or click on the profile icon to go directly that that person's time card.
By default, the widget displays all users across all departments. However, you can filter the widget by specific departments by clicking on the filter icon located at the top right corner of the widget. Select the departments you want to filter by, and then click Apply to apply the filter.
In addition, you can search for a single user within the widget using their name. Click on the search icon located at the top right corner of the widget, type the name of the user in the search bar, and the results will automatically begin filtering as you type. If you do not see the user in the current status you are viewing, make sure to check the other statuses as well. To close the search function, simply delete the name or click the X icon.