Setting up a Lockout and Shift Policy Follow
Lockout and Shift policies can help employers prevent unauthorized overtime and ensure accurate timekeeping. A shift determines when a user clocks in and out and a lockout prevents users from punching in before or after designated times.
To complete the steps in this article, you must be an administrator or have the necessary view and/or edit permissions enabled. If you believe you should be able to complete the steps and are not able to, reach out to your account administrator to discuss updating the settings for your Role.
All changes made to a policy will apply to all users assigned to that policy.
Create a lockout and shift policy:
- Log in to your CloudPunch account.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Go to the Lockout and Shift section and click Add New.
- Enter a Policy Name for your policy. This name is displayed when adding policies to users or departments.
- (Optional) Add Shifts to individual days or mass-add shifts using Set Shifts.
- (Optional) Add Lockouts to individual days or to multiple days at once using Set Lockouts.
- Click Save to update the policy.
Add shifts using the set shift feature:
- Log in to your CloudPunch account.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Go to the Lockout and Shift section and click Add New.
- Enter a Policy Name for your policy. This name is displayed when adding policies to users or departments.
- Select the group of days to apply the shift to from the Set Shift dropdown:
- Set All Days
- Set Weekends
- Set Weekdays
- Set the Start Time and Stop Time for the Shift. This is the range of time employees will start and end working.
- (Optional) Set a grace period for clocking in by selecting the duration of the grace period before the shift from the Start Grace dropdown.
- (Optional) Set a grace period for clocking out by selecting the duration of the grace period after the shift from the Stop Grace dropdown.
- Select Apply to see your entries applied to all the days, weekends, or weekdays depending on your selection in Step 1.
- Adjust any shifts as needed and add (optional) Lockouts.
- After adding all shifts and/or lockouts, click Save. If you don't click Save, the policy will not update.
Add shifts individually:
- Log in to your CloudPunch account.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Go to the Lockout and Shift section and click Add New.
- Enter a Policy Name for your policy. This name is displayed when adding policies to users or departments.
- Click the Shift toggle switch to enable the feature for each day needing a shift.
- Set the Start Time and Stop Time for the Shift. This is the time employees will start and end working.
- (Optional) Set a grace period for clocking in by selecting the duration of the grace period before the shift from the Start Grace dropdown.
- (Optional) Set a grace period for clocking out by selecting the duration of the grace period after the shift from the Stop Grace dropdown.
- Adjust any shifts as needed and add (optional) Lockouts.
- After adding all shifts and/or lockouts, click Save. If you don't click Save, the policy will not update.
Add lockouts using the set lockouts feature:
- Log in to your CloudPunch account.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Go to the Lockout and Shift section and click Add New.
- Enter a Policy Name for your policy. This name is displayed when adding policies to users or departments.
- Select the group of days to apply lockouts to from the Set Lockout dropdown:
- Set All Days
- Set Weekends
- Set Weekdays
- (Optional) Set the Lockout Before time. Users cannot punch in before the Lockout Before time.
- (Optional) Set the Lockout After time. Users cannot punch out after the Lockout After time.
- Select Apply to see your entries applied to all the days, weekends, or weekdays depending on your selection in Step 1.
- Adjust any lockouts as needed and add (optional) Shifts.
- After adding all shifts and/or lockouts, click Save. If you don't click Save, the policy will not update.
Add lockouts individually:
- Log in to your CloudPunch account.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Go to the Lockout and Shift section and click Add New.
- Enter a Policy Name for your policy. This name is displayed when adding policies to users or departments.
- Click the Lockout toggle switch to enable the feature for each day that needs a lockout.
- (Optional) Set the Lockout Before time. Users cannot punch in before the Lockout Before time.
- (Optional) Set the Lockout After time. Users cannot punch out after the Lockout After time.
- Adjust any lockouts as needed and add (optional) Shifts.
- After adding all shifts and/or lockouts, click Save. If you don't click Save, the policy will not update.