Creating an Account Follow
Welcome to CloudPunch! Our platform offers a simple solution to efficiently manage your team's time and attendance. To get started, you will need to create an account. Follow our step-by-step guide to easily set up your account and start managing your workforce's time and attendance with CloudPunch.
Create an account:
- Find your activation code: If you have a CloudPunch time clock, your activation code will be on the sticker under the lid. If you do not have a time clock, no worries! You can still use CloudPunch by accessing the link and using the activation code AT63697 to create your monthly plan.
- Go to and enter your activation code.
- Enter your administrator information: Add your company name, create a site name, and enter your administrator details such as name, email, and phone number. Then, create a username and password for your account. Your site name will be the website you and your team use to log into the web portal.
- Add any additional administrators and time clocks: If you need to add another administrator or time clock, simply click the + Add Administrator or + Add Device button.
- Enter your billing information: Enter your monthly payment information. You can choose to enter your credit card details or select the eCheck tab to enter your bank account information.
- Review and verify your information: Take a moment to review all the information you entered. If everything looks good, click Create Account.
- Review and accept the CloudPunch Time and Attendance End User License Agreement to create your CloudPunch account.
Once you create your account, the CloudPunch Setup Wizard will guide you through the process of setting up your departments, adding employees, and configuring policies such as your Pay Period Policy, Break Policy, and Overtime Policy.