Managing Your Price Plan Follow
You can manage and update your Price Plan in the Settings section of your CloudPunch web portal. Your Price Plan is based on your number of Active Users - the number of users with a Punch Management Policy assigned to them or inherited from their department with at least one form of punching enabled (Time Clock or Web). Any changes made to your active user count are applied on your next billing date.
To complete the steps in this article, you must be an administrator or have the necessary view and/or edit permissions enabled. If you believe you should be able to complete the steps and are not able to, reach out to your account administrator to discuss updating the settings for your Role.
- Your fees are charged automatically monthly to your preferred payment form. If you prefer to pay annually, contact our team through the chat feature in your cloud portal to set this up.
- It is the sole responsibility of the account administrator to manage all aspect of the account. The Workwell team will not make changes to your account, such as modifying the price plan, removing unused devices, or any other settings.
- CloudPunch does not require an annual contract or commitment. You can cancel your membership at any time.
- Refunds are not granted for unused features, devices, users, or services. For more information, refer to the End User License Agreement.
- If you are tax-exempt, visit this article.
Update your price plan:
- Log into your CloudPunch cloud portal.
- Click on your profile avatar in the upper right corner of the window.
- Select Settings.
- Under Account Info, view your Active Users with Punching Privileges count and Active Time Clocks count.
- Archive users who should not be active.
- If your Active Users count is still higher than it should be, check the Punch Management policies assigned to your users. Any user with at least one form of punching enabled will count toward your Active Users count.
- Remove unused time clocks and device IDs.
- Go back into Settings and click on your Price Plan.
- Select a plan from the dropdown. You will not be able to select a plan with less active users than you currently have.
- Click Confirm to confirm the changes.
- Your changes will apply to your next billing cycle.