Banking a Holiday Follow
To complete the steps in this article, you must be an administrator or have the necessary view and/or edit permissions enabled. If you believe you should be able to complete the steps and are not able to, reach out to your account administrator to discuss updating the settings for your Role.
CloudPunch allows you to remove the scheduled Holiday from a time card and move it to a different day. This feature can be used for employees who work on scheduled Holidays but still have the ability to observe the Holiday on a different day.
Bank a holiday on a user's time card:
- Log into your CloudPunch web portal.
- Click on Time Cards in the side menu.
- Click on the name of the user's time card you want to edit.
- Scroll to the correct pay period using the < or > icon next to the pay period.
- Hover over the name of the holiday and click the Edit icon.
- Click the trashcan icon to delete the holiday from the time card.
- Select the + icon on the day that you want to re-add the Holiday to.
- Select Holiday from the Punch Type dropdown list.
- Select the Holiday from the list of available Holidays - it won't show on the list until you have deleted the original.
- Click the Checkmark to save the changes or the x to cancel.
- Scroll to the top of the screen and recalculate the time card using the recalculate button.